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Mårten Spångberg


Mårten Spångberg, coreografo svedese con un background come critico e teorico, si interessa di coreografia in un terreno espanso, avvicinandola attraverso pratiche di sperimentazione e processi creativi in una molteplicità di formati ed espressioni. Attivo dal 1994 in diverse costellazioni, tra cui International Festival con Tor Lindstrand, ha prodotto lavori contestualizzati prevalentemente nell'ambito della danza, arti visive e architettura. Come performer ha creato proprie coreografie, dai solo a lavori su larga scala presentati a livello internazionale, ed ha collaborato tra gli altri con Xavier Le Roy, Christine De Smedt, Krõõt Juurak, Jan Ritsema. Dal 1996 al 2005 ha organizzato e curato festival in Svezia ed Europa, e nel 2006 ha dato l'avvio al network organizzativo INPEX (con cui ha pubblicato 4 volumi di The Swedish Dance History) e al blog Spangbergianism, poi diventato il libro Spangbergianism - The Book. Ha pubblicato numerosi interventi su riviste e libri ed ha un'esperienza approfondita di insegnamento sia teorico che pratico. Tra le pubblicazioni recenti a sua cura: Post-Dance (2017) e Movement Research (2018). Nel 2008-2012 ha diretto il Master in Coreografia alla University of Dance a Stoccolma, e attualmente insegna drammaturgia e coreografia allla Oslo National Academy of The Arts. Tra i suoi progetti performativi più recenti: Natten, Gerhard Richter. une pièce pour le théâtre, The Nature, La Substance, but in English, The Internet, La Nature IRL, Culture.

Mårten Spångberg is a swedish choreographer with a background as a critic and theorist. His interest concerns dance in an expanded field, something he has approached through experimental practice and creative processes in a multiplicity of formats and expressions. Active since 1994 in different constellations he has produced works contextualized mainly in the world of dance, visual arts and architecture. As a performer he has created his own choreographies, from solos to larger scale works, which have toured internationally. Under the label International Festival, Spångberg collaborated with architect Tor Lindstrand and engaged in social and expanded choreography. From 1996-2005 he organised and curated festivals in Sweden and internationally, and in 2006 initiated the network organisation INPEX (that published 4 books of The Swedish Dance History). He has considerable experience in teaching both theory and practice. From 2008-2012, he directed the MA programme in choreography at the University of Dance in Stockholm. In 2011 his first book, Spangbergianism, was published. He edited the anthologies: Post-Dance (2017) and Movement Research (2018). He is professor in dramaturgy and choreography at Oslo National Academy of The Arts, departments of dance and theatre. His more recent works Natten, Gerhard Richter. une pièce pour le théâtre, The Nature, La Substance, but in English, The Internet, La Nature IRL, Culture has gained extensive international recognition.
