INTERNATIONAL LIVE MEDIA FLOOR: Bas van Koolwijk/Christian Toonk - "RGB" (NL), Patrik Fontana/Emeric Aelters/Pierre Yves Fave -"Grenze" (F), Kristen_ /Mzweig - "Lyder" (D), Greg Davis/Sébastien Roux/Mattia Casalegno - "Grain Scape" (USA-F-I), Phil Niblock/Thomas Ankersmit (USA-NL), Vincent Epplay/Antoine Schmitt - "Display Pixel" (F), Anthony Pateras/Robin Fox (Australia), [sic]/triPhaze - "Organic Debris" (Can-D), Jan Jelinek/Karl Kliem - "Sound and image" (D)
MERIDIANA SPECIAL GUESTS: Monolake/Deadbeat - "Atlantic Waves" (D-Can), Oren Ambarchi/Jon Wozencroft (New Zealand-GB), Pirandélo (Sinatti/Gabriele/Cosma) (I), Carlos Giffoni (Vnz-USA), Ateleia/Sadek Bazaraa (USA), Pierpaolo Leo/Claudio Sinatti (I), Ellen Alien (D)
EVENTI SPECIALI e INSTALLAZIONI: Staalplaat soundsystem -"Yokomono" (NL), Dmitry Gelfand /Evelina Domnitch - "Camera Lucida" (Russia-USA)
WORKSHOPS: Staalplaat (Amsterdam), Antiopic (USA), ~Scape (Berlin), Ogino Knauss/AV recordings (Firenze)
Fom 27th to 29th January 2005, Xing and 'Made and Played on --> TDK' present in Bologna the international festival Netmage 05 - creative and innovative images on art, media, communication.
Netmage 05: Following the call for international projects, which again allows us to detect new productive territories (150 projects from around the globe), the Netmage 05 programme focusses on a certain "environmental" approach, which emerges here and there in many works, though each coming from different backgrounds. A programme which in general brings out an atmospheric touch, iconographically evoked and shaded in from an almost cinematographic or photo-cinematic point of view, taken from ("natural") landscapes and from the ("anthropologic") repertoire of human gestures. Or an executive layout which alludes to the use of a visual-sound and synesthetic "total-machine," on a terrain which continues to be sign posted by abstract minimalism and minimal structuralism. The "environmentalism" is counter balanced, this year, by the global dimension, taking into account the artists' origins and the intricate exchanges of interconnected projects, from both sides of the Atlantic. This relationship is exemplified in the live performances of Monolake and Deadbeat (Atlantic Waves), a duo connected live via cable from Bologna to Montreal, on dedicated software ... Atlantic pass or unfillable moat of the senses, in these years... If it seems fair to give still more space to our interlocutors from across the ocean, in their difficult attempts to produce cultural practices (other than by a twice victorious electoral "majority") likewise it seems necessary to look elsewhere. To look at other geographic spaces, e.g. the Russia of the strange artistic duo who conceived a "Camera Lucida" of lightly post-atomic flavour; or the vast lands of the "pacific-boreal" Australia, to discover promises, visibility, and sounds if not innocently untouched, at least practicable in the common inheritance of transculturalism. . But returning to our premises, the programme unwinds itself, even for this edition, on a unitary performance platform, adapted this time -the first- inside a space of rigid definition, an auditorium. "The necessity" of moving from venue to venue in a festival lacking a fixed location and historically fond of non-sites and unresolved, immovable pockets in the urban fabric of Bologna, which by now (2005), really offers few surprises. Therefore the room itself will come into play, stretching its functions and giving back with this collection of live performance media, yet another joyous perceptual transfer, continuing late into the night, in the welcoming halls of the Cassero.