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Oren Ambarchi


Oren Ambarchi (Australia, 1969), è un musicista elettronico e chitarrista dall'approccio minimale, astratto, malinconico e visionario sia nei confronti del suo strumento, che del suono in generale. Ha pubblicato per etichette di musica elettronica come  Touch, Ritournelle, Staubgold, Häpna, Audiosphere, For 4 Ears. Oltre ai diversi lavori in solo, ha collaborato con Fennesz,Pimmon, Peter Rehberg, Keith Rowe, Martin Ng, Johan Berthling , Gunter Muller, Voice Crack, Philip Samartzis. Ambarchi crea canzoni senza parole, che ammaliano per la semplicità con cui comunicano stati d’animo fuori dall’ordinario. Senza dubbio con mezzi minimi si possono costruire forme e mondi che hanno il respiro dell’infinito. Le sue chitarre elettriche, reiterate in un gioco di cerchi concentrici, creano un flusso organico. Disciolte le asperità noise degli inizi, Ambarchi, espande le sue possibilità in musica, investigando in profondità la singolarità del suono e del tono puro.

Oren Ambarchi is a composer and multi-instrumentalist with longstanding interests in transcending conventional instrumental approaches. His work focuses mainly on the exploration of the guitar as a "laboratory for extended sonic investigation". Ambarchi's works are hesitant and tense extended songforms located in the cracks between several schools: modern electronics and processing; laminal improvisation and minimalism; hushed, pensive songwriting; the deceptive simplicity and temporal suspensions of composers such as Morton Feldman and Alvin Lucier; and the physicality of rock music, slowed down and stripped back to its bare bones, abstracted and replaced with pure signal. From the late 90's his experiments in guitar abstraction and extended technique have led to a personal and unique sound-world incorporating a broader palette of instruments and sensibilities. On recent releases he has employed glass harmonica, strings, bells, piano, drums and percussion. Ambarchi works with simple constructs and parameters; exploring one idea over an extended duration and teasing every nuance and implication from each texture, in a cumulative impact of patiently unfolding compositions. He has performed and recorded with a diverse array of artists such as Fennesz, Otomo Yoshihide, Pimmon, Keiji Haino, John Zorn, Rizili, Voice Crack, Jim O'Rourke, Keith Rowe, Phill Niblock, Dave Grohl, Gunter Muller, Evan Parker, z'ev, Toshimaru Nakamura, Peter Rehberg, Merzbow, and contributed to Sunn 0))). He has released numerous recordings for international labels such as Touch, Southern Lord, Table Of The Elements and Tzadik. Ambarchi also curated festivals and sound programs in Australia and abroad.
