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Krõõt Juurak


Krõõt Juurak è artista trasversale, performer e coreografa estone di Tallinn, basata a Vienna. Ha studiato coreografia in Olanda allo ArtEz-Arnhem Institute of the Arts, e arti visive alla Gerrit Rietveld Academie e al Sandberg Institute di Amsterdam. Attiva dal 1998 on-e-off-stage, realizza performance, presentazioni, testi, workshop, che sfidano ogni volta le definizioni di coreografia e performance. Nel suo variegato campo di attuazione, affronta temi come il camouflage, la non autonomia, l'ovvio, rivolgendosi ad un pubblico non esclusivamente umano. Ha presentato il suo lavoro in diverse forme e contesti tra cui Mindaugas Triennial, Contemporary Art Center CAC Vilnius, Biennale Arte Venezia oO Pavillion, a ImPulsTanz Vienna, de Appel Amsterdam, Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen Innsbruck, Tallinn Art Hall, deSingel Antwerp, Tanzquartier Vienna, Kunstverein Langenhagen. Ha realizzato performance e performative conditions come Bad Mood, Internal Conflict, Look Look (con Anne Juren), Once Upon, Ride the Wave Dude (con Mårten Spångberg), Presentation, The Place of the Grave, Animal Jokes (for Animals) & Performances for Pets (entrambe con Alex Bailey).

Krõõt Juurak, born in Tallinn, Estonia, is a choreographer and performer whose work (performances, presentations, texts, workshops, mood shifts) tends to challenge fixed definitions of choreography and performance. She deals with issues such as camouflage, lack of autonomy, obviousness and her performances address both a human and a non-human audience. She graduated from ArtEz, Arnhem, in dance and choreography and obtained an MA in Fine Arts from the Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam. Since 2003 she has been based in Vienna and has presented her work in a variety of forms at venues including Mindaugas Triennial, Contemporary Art Center CAC Vilnius,Venice Art Biennal oO Pavillion, ImPulsTanz Vienna, de Appel Amsterdam, Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen Innsbruck, Tallinn Art Hall, deSingel Antwerp, Tanzquartier Vienna, Kunstverein Langenhagen. She has created performances and performative conditions such as Bad MoodInternal ConflictLook Look (with Anne Juren), Once UponRide the Wave Dude (with Mårten Spångberg), PresentationThe Place of the GraveAnimal Jokes (for Animals) & Performances for Pets (both with Alex Bailey).
