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Kareth Schaffer


Kareth Schaffer, coreografa e performer, vive e lavora a Berlino. Nelle sue creazioni Schaffer indaga come la danza e la scena possano indicare luoghi oltre se stessi, esaminando criticamente le condizioni di produzione  dell’arte, e la sua rilevanza attraverso l'analogia. Le sue opere comprendono un dittico sulla figura di Cassandra: Cassandra Has Turned 1 (2017) e Cassandra Has Turned 2 (2018); un pezzo di danza su una storia che non racconterà, An Animal Went Out (2016); un esame completo per Rumorista come strumento coreografico, Unheard Of (2016); un pezzo brevissimo, As Easy As 1, 2, 3 (2013); e un torneo concettuale di mudwrestling con 100.000 visualizzazioni sospette su Youtube, Dirty Money Mudwrestling. Kareth Schaffer è stata nominata 'new talent 2016' e  'female dancer of the year 2018’  da Jahrbuch Tanz, ed ha ricevuto la  Pina Bausch fellowship nel 2018. Ha lavorato con e per artisti come Deufert & Plischke, Tino Sehgal, Stefanie Wenner, Christian Falsnaes, Dragana Bulut e Roni Katz.

Kareth Schaffer is a choreographer and performer who lives and works in Berlin, Germany. In her pieces Schaffer investigates how dance and the stage can point to places beyond themselves, critically examining the conditions under which art is produced and how it can build its relevance through analogy. Her works include a diptych about the tragic heroine Cassandra, Cassandra Has Turned 1 (2017) and Cassandra Has Turned 2 (2018); a dance piece about a story she won’t tell you. An Animal Went Out (2016); an exhaustive examination of foley as a choreographic tool, Unheard Of ( 2016); a very short piece, As Easy As 1, 2, 3 (2013); and a conceptual mudwrestling tournament with a dubious 100,000 views on Youtube, Dirty Money Mudwrestling. Kareth Schaffer was named 'new talent 2016' and nominated for 'female dancer of the year 2018' by Jahrbuch Tanz, and is also a Pina Bausch Fellow. She has worked with and for artists such as deufert&plischke, Tino Sehgal, Stefanie Wenner, Christian Falsnaes, Dragana Bulut, and Roni Katz.
