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C. Spencer Yeh


C. Spencer Yeh, sound artist di Taipei, Taiwan, opera attualmente a Brooklyn, New York. La sua pratica musicale si è sviluppata tra le maglie dell’underground statunitense ed internazionale, culminando con l’esperienza del progetto Burning Star Core. Yeh è noto per le sue attività interdisciplinari e le numerose collaborazioni come artista, improvvisatore e compositore. Nei suoi progetti amalgama varie tecniche, media e ruoli, riuscendo a mantenere con forza espressiva inalterata un legame originario con il noise e la musica non convenzionale. Tra i suoi ultimi lavori ricordiamo Modern Mondays per il MoMA New York, Sound Horizon al Walker Art Center di Minneapolis, Ed Atkins: Performance Capture a The Kitchen New York, The Companion alla biennale di Liverpool, 99 Objects al Whitney Museum New York, e LAMPO alla Renaissance Society di Chicago. Yeh ha collaborato con Triple Canopy, magazine coinvolto nella biennale di Whitney 2014. Nel 2015 è stato artist-in-residence a ISSUE Project Room di New York, ed è stato incluso tra i performer per il Greater New York ospitato da MoMA/PS1. Tra i suoi ultimi progetti discografici ricordiamo Solo Voice I-X (Primary Information), Wake Up Awesome, con Okkyung Lee e Lasse Marhaug (Software Recording Company), Long Pig con New Monuments, e Schlager con Ken Vandermark. Le sue opere video sono distribuite da Electronic Arts Intermix. Scrive inoltre per Triple Canopy e BOMB magazine, e collabora con The Third Rail e Personal Best.

C. Spencer Yeh is a sound artist born in Taipei, Taiwan, and currently based in Brooklyn, New York. Yeh's sonic practice first developed within the autodidactic and venturesome strategies of the American and International underground, most prominently with his project Burning Star Core. Having amalgamated numerous artistic mediums and roles over his numerous endeavors, Yeh's formative infatuation with noise and improvised music could still be regarded as his most unadulterated expression – a bespoke array of facilities and parlance on a foundation of unconventional musical pedagogy. C. Spencer Yeh is recognized for his interdisciplinary activities and collaborations as an artist, improviser, and composer. Recent presentations of work include Modern Mondays at MoMA NYC, Sound Horizon at the Walker Art Center Minneapolis, the Berwick Film and Media Arts Festival, Ed Atkins: Performance Capture at the Kitchen NYC, The Companion at the Liverpool Biennial, 99 Objects at the Whitney Museum NYC, and LAMPO at the Renaissance Society in Chicago IL. Yeh also collaborated with Triple Canopy for their contribution to the Whitney Biennial in 2014. He was a 2015 Artist-in-Residence at ISSUE Project Room NYC, and was included in the performance program for Greater New York at MoMA/PS1. Recent recordings include Solo Voice I-X (Primary Information), Wake Up Awesome, with Okkyung Lee and Lasse Marhaug (Software Recording Company), Long Pig by New Monuments, and Schlager with Ken Vandermark. His video works are distributed by Electronic Arts Intermix. He is also a contributing editor to Triple Canopy and BOMB magazine, as well as contributing to The Third Rail and Personal Best.
