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Ashes Withyman Moore


Ashes Withyman Moore, conosciuto come Gareth Moore, è nato a Matsqui, nella British Columbia e vive e lavora a Vancouver. Moore sfida sistematicamente il rapporto tra l’accidentale e l’estetica. Per la creazione delle sue sculture - effimere e complesse - ha un approccio processuale e localizzato, prediligendo l’impiego di materiali di scarto e non ortodossi. Portando in superficie ciò che non è immediatamente visibile, Moore osserva con sguardo sovversivo le abitudini quotidiane ed il sempre mutevole ambiente che ci circonda, come in Blocked Arch, Deferred Ceremony, Dawn Chorus, Tra-diddle da. Like a fly in slow suspense (2014). Le sue ricerche esplorano attualmente le proprietà fisiche e simboliche del suono in relazione agli esseri umani, gli animali e la scultura, come nel caso di Lady with Gull, Peanut butter steps, World Antacid (2017), o A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus (2015), una cerimonia quotidiana composta da sculture strumentali, o come per Bullae (2017), serie di live sonori. Il lavoro di Moore è stato presentato in Canada e su scala internazionale con mostre personali a La loge di Bruxelles, Glasgow International, CCA Wattis Institute, Witte de With Rotterdam, e dOCUMENTA (13) Kassel.

Ashes Withyman Moore, known as Gareth Moore, born in Matsqui, British Columbia, lives and works in Vancouver. Moore consistently challenges the intersection between the accidental and the aesthetic. In his complex ephemeral sculptures, he applies a site-specific and process-orientated methodology, often using unorthodox or discarded materials. By inviting the audience to question what is around them and bringing the unnoticeable to the surface, he subversively examines the habits of daily life and the ever-changing environment that surrounds us, as in Lady with Gull, Peanut butter steps, World Antacid (2017), or Blocked Arch, Deferred Ceremony, Dawn Chorus, Tra-diddle da. Like a fly in slow suspense (2014). His ongoing investigations currently explore the physical and symbolic properties of sound and its relationship to humans, animals and sculptural form, like in A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus (2015), a daily ceremony composed of instrumental sculptures, and Bullae (2017), a series of live sound events. Moore’s work has been shown nationally and internationally, including solo presentations at La loge Bruxelles, Glasgow International, the CCA Wattis Institute, Witte de With Rotterdam, and dOCUMENTA (13) Kassel. 
