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Lady with Gull, Peanut butter steps, World Antacid

 Ashes Withyman Moore


"Scape, pedicellus, flagellum,
scape, pedicellus, flagellum
Johnstone’s organ Honeybee cell phone, set to airplane mode
Great hairy hands of the sky clapping out this language:
Slugs - lie down, be drowned in beer, cut in half with these rose scissors
Pigeons - your feathers make foul house slippers
Vermin - I’m shaking the blood coagulating seed rattle    
Mosquitos, Fleas, Bedbugs - I’m fashioning world teeth to snip you clean severed
Dirty street Cats - antifreeze milk bowl and a fan belt trap, I watched you being dragged to the dump by a bit of string"

In Lady with Gull, Peanut butter steps, World Antacid, Ashes Withyman Moore ha piantato delle antenne. La funzione comunicativa di questi oggetti non produrrà necessariamente risultati apprezzabili; come nell'attesa che il cosmo ci restituisca i segnali di civiltà extra-terrestri, il tempo qui allude all'incontro possibile tra uomo e animale. Mandala per insetti e trappole affettive, questi pali amplificano un sistema di proiezioni mentali, creando un campo di fraintendimento, tra nutrimento e nocività. Una stazione di ascolto piazzata sul fondo del barile per succhiare le origini del mondo?

si ringrazia Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver; Residenza per Artisti Sandra Natali/MAMbo, Bologna
presentato col sostegno di Ambasciata del Canada Roma / Focus Canada 150°

"Scape, pedicellus, flagellum,

scape, pedicellus, flagellum

Johnstone’s organ Honeybee cell phone, set to airplane mode
Great hairy hands of the sky clapping out this language:
Slugs - lie down, be drowned in beer, cut in half with these rose scissors
Pigeons - your feathers make foul house slippers
Vermin - I’m shaking the blood coagulating seed rattle    
Mosquitos, Fleas, Bedbugs - I’m fashioning world teeth to snip you clean severed
Dirty street Cats - antifreeze milk bowl and a fan belt trap, I watched you being dragged to the dump by a bit of string"

In Lady with Gull, Peanut butter steps, World Antacid, Ashes Withyman Moore has planted antennae. The communicative function of these objects will not necessarily produce significant results; like the agonising wait for the cosmos to give us signs of alien life, this waiting-time alludes to the possible encounters between man and animal. Like an insect mandala or an affective trap, these masts amplify a system of mental projection, creating a field of inquiry between notions of nourishment and harm. A listening station deep at the bottom of the barrel to draw out the origins of the world?

environment, première, production Xing/Live Arts Week
thanks to Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver
