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Alexandra Bachzetsis


Alexandra Bachzetsis, coreografa e artista visiva, vive e lavora tra Basilea e Zurigo. La sua pratica si situa sul confine fra danza, performance, arti visive e teatro, generando una fusione degli spazi nei quali il corpo può manifestarsi in quanto apparato artistico e critico. Con alle spalle un percorso interdisciplinare, Bachzetsis si è formata in diversi contesti, dalla danza contemporanea alla performance, collaborando, tra gli altri, con Sasha Waltz & Guests e Les Ballets C. de la B. Alexandra Bachzetsis lavora sulla coreografia del corpo ed in particolare sui modi attraverso cui la cultura popolare fornisce spunti per la gestualità, l'espressione, l'identificazione e la fantasia attraverso cui creiamo e ri-creiamo costantemente i nostri corpi e le nostre identificazioni. Analizza l'influenza reciproca tra l'uso di gesti e movimenti dei generi 'popolari' e 'commerciali' (media online, video-clip, la televisione come risorsa) e quello delle 'arti' (balletto, danza moderna e contemporanea, performance). I modi attraverso cui tutti performano e presentano il proprio corpo e se stessi (attraverso stereotipi e archetipi, scelte e cliché, lavoro e spettacolo) è un problema che attraversa tutto la sua opera. Dal 2001 ha realizzato come autrice oltre 20 progetti, spesso in collaborazione, presentati in teatri, festival e spazi pubblici di tutto il mondo. Il suo lavoro è stato inoltre ospitato da spazi d'arte contemporanea e musei, tra i quali Kunsthalle Basel di Basilea (2008), Stedelijk Museum di Amsterdam (2013 e 2015), Tate Modern di Londra (2014) e Jumex Museum di Mexico City (2014), e all’interno di eventi internazionali, tra i quali la 5a Biennale di Berlino (2008), (d)OCUMENTA 13 Kassel (2012) e la Biennale de l'Image en Mouvement di Ginevra (2014).

Alexandra Bachzetsis is a choreographer and visual artist, based in Basel and Zurich. Her practice unfolds at the intersection of dance, performance, the visual arts and theater, generating a conflation of the spaces in which the body, as an artistic and critical apparatus, can manifest. This interdisciplinary approach is reflected in her background. During the years of training, Bachzetsis worked as a dancer in the contemporary dance and performance context, collaborating with Sasha Waltz & Guests (Berlin) and Les Ballets C. de la B. (Gent), among others. Much of Bachzetsis’s work involves choreographies of the body and, in particular, the way that popular culture provides source material for gesture, expression, identification, and fantasy as we continually create and re-create our bodies and the way we identify. Within this, she scrutinizes the mutual influence between the use of gesture and movement in the ‘popular’ or ‘commercial’ genres on the one hand (online media, video-clip and television as a resource) and in the ‘arts’ on the other hand (ballet, modern and contemporary dance and performance). Ultimately, the way we all perform and stage our bodies and ourselves – through stereotypes and archetypes, through choice and cliché, through labor and spectacle – is a question that continues to shape her work. Since Bachzetsis started working independently in 2001, she has created over 24 pieces, often working collaboratively, which have been shown in theaters, festivals and public space venues worldwide. In addition to this, her work has been exhibited in a variety of contemporary art spaces and museums, including Kunsthalle Basel (2008), the Stedelijk Museum (Amsterdam, 2013 and 2015), Tate Modern (London, 2014) and the Jumex Museum (Mexico City, 2014), as well as a number of international biennials, such as the 5th Berlin Biennial (Berlin, 2008), (d)OCUMENTA 13 (Kassel, 2012) and the Biennial of Moving Images (Geneva, 2014). 
