Mammalian Diving Reflex, compagnia di Toronto, è conosciuta per l'ideazione di performance intellettualmente stimolanti. Nata nel 1993 sotto la direzione artistica dello scrittore e regista Darren O’Donnell, Mammalian Diving Reflex opera sulla dimensione privata e sociale del linguaggio, del pensiero e dell'informazione. La compagnia ha prodotto diversi lavori originali in Canada e all'estero (A Suicide-Site Guide to the City, Diplomatic Immunities, pppeeeaaaccceee, Children Choise Dinner, Who Shot Jacques Lacan? e altri) realizzando curiosi interventi di agopuntura sociale che cercano di interrompere o ridirezionare flussi sociali. Pratica che, riconoscendo la performatività della vita in ogni gesto, esplora estica e società, creando insolite alleanze tra il mondo dell'arte e quello dei bambini. Il progetto Haircuts by Children è stato presentato in Australia, Canada e USA, e di recente a New York ai festival Performa 07 /Biennal Visual Art Performance.
Mammalian Diving Reflex is an independent Toronto-based performance company known for its intellectually challenging presentations. Established in 1993 under the artistic directorship of Darren O’Donnell, Mammalian Diving Reflex is dedicated to working with language, ideas, and information. Their work dismantles the barriers between individuals, fostering a dialogue between audience members, the performers and the audience. The company has produced many original works (A Suicide-Site Guide to the City, Diplomatic Immunities, pppeeeaaaccceee, Children Choise Dinner, Who Shot Jacques Lacan? e altri), toured in Canada and abroad, and facilitated numerous events through their Social Acupuncture initiative designed to straddle the ground between life and art, and to experiment artistic forms which usually remain off the radar of theatre. Their goal is to propose performance able to meld polemic with artistic rigour, creating work that is meticulous and uncompromising in its examination of political and social ontologies while still maintaining a total commitment to easy accessibility and entertainment.