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Joe Kelleher


Joe Kelleher. Insegna Teatro e Performance alla Roehampton University di Londra. Ha scritto di teatro contemporaneo, performance e retorica, ed è co-autore con Nicholas Ridout del libro Contemporary Theatres in Europe (Routledge 2006). Suoi interventi sono stati pubblicati sulle riviste Contemporary Theatre Review, Frakcija, PAJ e Performance Research, e sui libri A Performance Cosmology di Christie/Gough/Watt (Routledge 2006), Blairism and the War of Persuasion a cura di Steinberg/Johnson (Lawrence & Wishart 2004), Live: Art and Performance a cura di Heathfield (Tate Publishing 2004) e Psychoanalysis and Performance a cura di Campbell/Kear (Routledge, 2001). E' autore di una serie di saggi sulla Tragedia Endogonidia della Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, pubblicati in Idioma, Clima, Crono (Cesena, 2002-2004) e ha collaborato con la Socìetas e Nicholas Ridout alla stesura del libro sulla pratica teatrale The Theatre of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio (Routledge 2007). Kelleher fa parte del gruppo londinese di performance PUR. Nel 2007 è ospite del progetto di Kinkaleri Wanted. Intuizioni sul mondo in attesa che diventino una costruzione compiuta.

Joe Kelleher. Professor of Theatre and Performance at Roehampton University, London. He has been writing recently on contemporary theatre, performance, and performance rhetorics, and he is co-editor with Nicholas Ridout of the book Contemporary Theatres in Europe (Routledge 2006). His work has appeared in journals such as Contemporary Theatre Review, Frakcija, PAJ and Performance Research, and books such as A Performance Cosmology, ed. Christie/Gough/Watt (Routledge 2006), Blairism and the War of Persuasion, ed. Steinberg/Johnson (Lawrence & Wishart 2004), Live: Art and Performance, ed. Heathfield (Tate Publishing 2004) and Psychoanalysis and Performance, ed. Campbell/Kear (Routledg, 2001). He is the author of a series of essays on Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio’s Tragedia Endogonidia, published in Idioma, Clima, Crono (Cesena 2002-2004), and has recently collaborated with the Socìetas and Nicholas Ridout on a book about theatre-making, The Theatre of Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio (Routledge 2007). Kelleher is a member of London-based performance group PUR. In 2007 he is an invited guest at Kinkaleri's project Wanted. Intuitions about the world waiting to become an established construction.
