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Brynjar Bandlien


Brynjar Bandlien (1975, Norvegia) si è formato al Staten Balletthøgskole di Oslo, e alla Ballettschule der Hamburgische Staatsoper in Germania. Nel 1995 è entrato nel Nederlands Dans Theater 2 a Den Haag con cui ha lavorato in Europa, Stati Uniti e Sudafrica. Dopo 3 anni nel NDT 2 ha intrapreso  un percorso autonomo come danzatore e coreografo con Manuel Pelmus (Punct Fix), Philipp Gehmacher (Mountains are Mountains), Raimund Hoghe (Tanzgeschichten, Young People, Old Voices e Swan Lake, 4 acts), Vera Mantero (Until The Moment When God Is Destroyed By The Extreme Exercise Of Beauty) e Antonija Livingstone (----------a Situation for Dance). La sua prima coreografia di gruppo O debutta nel 2006 alla Dansens Hus di Oslo. Dal 2003 Bandlien è in residenza a Bucarest, Romania.

Brynjar Bandlien (1975, Norway ) got his education at Staten Balletthøgskole in Oslo, and at Ballettschule der Hamburgische Staatsoper in Germany. In 1995 he joined Nederlands Dans Theater 2 in Den Haag with which he toured Europe, USA and South Africa. After 3 years in NDT 2 he started working as freelance dancer and choreographer with Manuel Pelmus (Punct Fix), Philipp Gehmacher (Mountains are Mountains), Raimund Hoghe (Tanzgeschichten, Young People, Old Voices and Swan Lake, 4 acts), Vera Mantero (Until The Moment When God Is Destroyed By The Extreme Exercise Of Beauty) and Antonija Livingstone (----------a Situation for Dance). He premiered his first group piece called O at Dansens Hus in Oslo in march 2006. Since 2003 Bandlien has had his base in Bucharest, Romania.
