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Elisa Sighicelli


Elisa Sighicelli è artista,attualmente vive e lavora a Torino. Il suo lavoro è incentrato sull’utilizzo della fotografia a colori con una particolare tecnica di montaggio su lightbox che le permette di retroilluminare solo determinate aree della foto. E’ particolarmente interessata all’esplorazione del rapporto tra il paesaggio naturale, il paesaggio domestico e la luce. Espone regolarmente a Londra con la Galleria Laure Genillard, a Milano con Gio’ Marconi e a Parigi con la Galerie Zurcher. Ho preso parte a mostre collettive (fra cui ICA di Londra, Lowry di Manchester, Museo Pecci di Prato, Galleria Civica di Trento e Hertzliya Museum di Tel Aviv). Fra il 2000 ed il 2001 ha avuto mostre personali al Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea di Santiago de Compostela, al Centro di Fotografia dell’Università di Salamanca e alla Gagosian Gallery di Los Angeles.

Elisa Sighicelli (Turin, 1968) is a photographer and video artist known for her installation-based studies of objects and their relationship to space. Sighicelli lived in Brazil from the ages of five to eight. The experience of growing up in a diverse cultural environment influenced the exploratory nature of her work. Upon returning to Turin, Sighicelli continued her education through high school, later moving to Florence where she studied Textile Design. The artist finished her undergraduate degree at Kingston University in London and received her Masters of Art at The Slade School of Fine Art. While living in London, Sighicelli began exploring photography and video art, creating and honing her aesthetic. Initially photographing details of domestic life and commercial imagery, her work developed into a series of studies in fluctuation—light and shadow, motion and stillness, real and abstract. The artist has traveled the world, photographing architectural details and objects with the intention of making the image look as though it could have been taken anywhere. To create her photographic installations, Sighicelli prints her photographs on matte paper rather than transparent film, and then pastes them onto Plexiglas constructions, which are blacked out with paint and highlighted with back lighting. The result is a play on space, shadow, and light that asks the viewer to derive their own meaning from the work. Sighicelli has exhibited at major institutions such as the MCA in Sydney, Australia, Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderne e Contemporanea in Turin, and at the Italian Pavilion of the 53rd Venice Biennale. Sighicelli currently lives in and works in Turin. 
