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Federico Pepe


Federico Pepe, nato a Omega nel 1976, vive e lavora a Milano. Il suo lavoro consta di installazioni, performance, fotografia e quant’altro lo interessi. Nel 2002 ha partecipato a Shit Design all’Iperspazio di Milano. Risale all’ottobre 2003 Retch, la sua prima personale allo Spazio h di Milano. Sempre nel 2003 è stato selezionato da MTV per elaborare il concetto You Think It, You Do It, realizzando una galleria di 25 installazioni ritratte fotograficamente insieme all’amico fotografo Pierpaolo Ferrari ed esposte allo Spazio h di Milano. Ha partecipato alla collettiva 1234567890. 10 Young Italian Artists Installation About Time Lapse 1234567890 a Torino. Ha autoprodotto la rivista d'arte indipendente, Le Dictateur.
Federico Pepe lives and works in Milan. He is a peculiar figure in Italy's arts and cultural landscape: advertiser, artist, graphic designer, video-maker, typographer, his work consists of installations, performances, photography, and whatever else interests him. In 2002 he participated in Hyperspace Design Shit in Milan. In 2003 he exhibits Retch, his first solo show at the Spazio h of Milan. In 2003 he was selected by MTV to process the concept You Think It, You Do It, creating a gallery of 25 installations portrayed photographically together with Pierpaolo Ferrari and exposed to Spazio h in Milan. He has participated in the group exhibition 1234567890. 10 Young Italian Artists About Time Lapse in Turin. Currently the most well-known of his projects is the independent art magazine Le Dictateur, a unique e-commerce and editorial platform (and now also an exhibition space in Milan).
