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Maurizio Mercuri


Maurizio Mercuri, artista visivo e collezionista marchigiano, ha una dedizione per il dettaglio e per il marginale. Le sue opere posso facilmente definirsi epifanie del quotidiano, registrazioni della sua disponibilità a contemplare l'insignificante, a creare immagini paradossali capaci di attivare deviazioni impreviste

Maurizio Mercuri is an italian artist and collector. He lives in a little village in the Marche region. In his country studio he keeps technological finds and various materials that he gathers during his journeys of discovery, which become the raw materials and inspiration for his artwork. Mercuri is interested in creating a tension between natural and artificial. His artworks involve everyday objects that are processed and presented in absurd, disorientating situations; they are a magnetic mix of words and things, where normal mental paths are diverted in unexpected directions of sense. In Mercuri’s works the ‘imagination in power', dreamed of by the youth dissent in the sixties, is realized in the private, subjective field, as a strategy to escape from homologation, from the alienating dimension of work, from the pressures of social relations.
