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Nickolai D. Nickolov


Nickolai D. Nickolov è sound designer. Dopo un periodo di studi di musica, fotografia e multimedia presso University of Central Oklahoma sviluppa il suo interesse per le interrelazioni tra musica e nuove tecnologie (al Conservatorio di Firenze). La ricerca attuale di Nickolov esplora le intersezioni fra musica improvvisata, jazz ed elettronica, sound installation e multimedia. Nel 1999, Nickolov insieme con Snejanka Mihaylova fonda il gruppo di sperimentazione performativa Limitrophy Theatre per il quale è compositore e sound artist.

Nickolai D. Nickolov is a Bulgarian artist based in Italy. His works range from jazz, free improvised music, ethnic, electronic, sound installation, multi-media to music for films and theatre performances. Some of his early studies include: Music, Photography, Multimedia & Web at the University of Central Oklahoma, U.S.A., and Music and New Technologies at the Conservatory L. Cherubini, Florence, Italy. Co-founder, composer and sound designer of Limitrophy Theatre with Snejankja Mihaylova, he has been actively engaged and presented numerous works at theatre festivals in Italy such as Santarcangelo Theatre Festival, Fabrica Europa Festival, Zoom Festival (Florence), Festival delle Colline Torinesi, Nuovi Arrivi (Turin), Crisalide (Forli), among others.