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Ka Baird


Ka Baird è una performer, compositrice e sound designer con base a New York City. E’ uno dei membri fondatori degli Spiers That In The Sunset Rise, fondato a Chicago nel 2001. Il suo album di debutto da solista Sapropelic Pycnic è stato pubblicato dall'etichetta indipendente di Chicago Drag City nel 2017. I suoi ultimi album, Respires (2019) e Hungry Shells (2021) -una collaborazione tra Ka Baird e Pekka Airaksinen- sono stati pubblicati dalla label RVNG Intl di Brooklyn. Ha presentato il suo lavoro in contesti internazionali tra cui Unsound Festival (Cracovia), Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago), MoMA PS1 (NYC), Issue Project Room (NYC), The Kitchen (NYC), The Institute of Contemporary Art (Filadelfia), TUSK Festival (Newcastle), Incubate (Tilburg), KRAAK (Bruxelles), Le Guess Who (Utrecht), e il Festival Of Endless Gratitude (Copenhagen). E’ stata in residenza presso istituzioni e collettivi tra cui Sonoscopia (Porto), Inkonst (Malmo), Experimental Sound Studio (Chicago) e Pioneer Works (Brooklyn). Nel 2020 ha ricevuto l’ Emergency Grant dalla Foundation of Contemporary Art (USA), e nel 2019 è stata artist-in-residence della Jerome Foundation presso Roulette Intermedium a New York.

Ka Baird is a performer, composer, and sound designer based in New York City. They are one of the founding and continuing members of Spires That In The Sunset Rise founded in Chicago in 2001. Their debut solo album Sapropelic Pycnic was released through independent Chicago label Drag City in 2017. Their latest recordings Respires (2019) and Hungry Shells (2021), a collaboration between Ka Baird and Pekka Airaksinen, were released through Brooklyn based imprint RVNG Intl. Recent international engagements have included performances at the Unsound Festival (Krakow), Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago), MoMA PS1 (NYC), Issue Project Room (NYC), The Kitchen (NYC), The Institute of Contemporary Art (Philadelphia), TUSK Festival (Newcastle, UK), Incubate (Tilburg, Netherlands), KRAAK (Brussels, Belgium), Le Guess Who (Utrecht, Netherlands), and the Festival Of Endless Gratitude (Copenhagen,DK). They have done extended residencies at such institutions and collectives as Sonoscopia (Porto), Inkonst (Malmo), Experimental Sound Studio (Chicago), and Pioneer Works (Brooklyn). They were a 2020 recipient of the Foundation of Contemporary Art's Emergency Grant (USA) as well as a Jerome Foundation Artist-in-Residence at Roulette Intermedium (NY) in 2019.
