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Supernova. Livingstone e Hill lavorano assieme dal 2013; un connubio nato attorno al progetto interdisciplinare Sketches/Notebook ideato dalla coreografa Meg Stuart/Damaged Goods. Dopo quattro anni di circuitazione, questo straordinario progetto ha dato vita a nuovo formato, Supernova, un ensemble di performer e creativi impegnati nello sviluppo delle pratiche nate da quell'esperienza, generando nuovi lavori autonomi, presentati come oggetti unici in tandem con Damaged Goods.

Supernova. Since 2013, Livingstone and Hill have worked together in Berlin, primarily inside the framework of the interdisciplinary performance Sketches/Notebook conceived by choreographer Meg Stuart and produced by Damaged Goods. After touring this extraordinary work for four years the group recently established the format of Supernova. Supernova is an ensemble of creators and performers, who continue to develop their practices relative to the spirit and insights of Sketches/Notebook, generating new and independent bodies of work, to be presented uniquely and in tandem with the Damaged Goods production over the 2017-2018 seasons.
