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Auto Italia


Auto Italia è un'organizzazione basata a Londra che commissiona e produce nuovi lavori di artisti emergenti. Fondata nel 2007, ha lo scopo di fornire le condizioni utili per lo sviluppo di approcci alternativi alla produzione e distribuzione di arte contemporanea. Ha dato vita in questo modo ad un vasto catalogo di operazioni aggregative che include progetti espositivi (Golden Age problems, Yes Way!, EPICHoney Honig, opti-Me*), di brodacast (Auto Italia Live), piattaforme on-line e di riflessione critica (Immaterial Labour Isn't Working, Where the possible begins, Meet Z *Now Live*, POLYMITH X Miss Information), mescolando spesso i differenti approcci mediali e inventando formati ibridi che attraversano pensiero teorico, displying e disseminazione mediale. Auto Italia Soth East è attualmente gestita da Kate Cooper, Marianne Forrest e Marleen Boschen con l'assistenza alla produzione di Edward Gillman e il supporto di Benedetto Drew, Amanda Dennis, Lorna Gemmell e Ben Vickers.

Auto Italia is a London based artist-led project and artistic studio run by Kate Cooper, Marianne Forrest and Marleen Boschen. Founded in 2007, Auto Italia commissions and produces new work; collaborating directly with artists. Recent projects include Meet Z (2014), an online project examining contemporary cultural production and space, Polymyth x Miss Information (2014), a multi-authored exhibition space exploring new scripted realities, Golden Age Problems (2014) a series of live performances and fractured exhibition landscape questioning the tropes that cultural institutions broadcast to us, and Opti-Me* (2014), a project interrogating the role of the artist as model for radical change and as self-promotional strategist. Previous projects have included Immaterial Labour Isn’t Working (2013), a series of talks questioning how digital technology is changing us, and Recent Work by Artists (2013), a co-working space investigating the state of the artists’ workspace within urban development. Auto Italia’s work has previously been shown at Tate Modern, The ICA and the Royal College of Art in the UK and internationally at ABC, Berlin; Artissima Lido, Turin; CCS Bard, US; Contemporary Image Collective, Cairo; CAC,Vilnius, Latvia; Ithuba Arts, Johannesburg; Kunstvlaai, Amsterdam and Tartu Art Museum, Estonia.
