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Roberto Fassone


Roberto Fassone, artista visivo di Asti, realizza lavori che esplorano e indagano i processi e le strategie regolative della produzione di opere d'arte contemporanee. Ha esposto e performato, tra le varie, presso Carroll/Fletcher, Londra, ZHdK, Zurigo, Fondazione Bevilacqua LaMasa, Venezia e Room Galleria, Milano. È stato recentemente artista in residenza al Museo La Ene, Buenos Aires (2014) e a Viafarini, Milano (2013).

Roberto Fassone, italian visual artist based in Asti, makes works that explore and question the processes and the strategies regulating the production of contemporary artworks. He has exhibited and performed at Carroll/Fletcher, London, ZHdK, Zurich, Fondazione Bevilacqua LaMasa, Venice and Room Galleria, Milan, among many others. Recently he has been artist in residence at Museo La Ene, Buenos Aires (2014) and Viafarini, Milan (2013).
