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Harm van den Dorpel


Harm van den Dorpel, artista concettuale olandese, attualmente basato a Berlino. Il suo lavoro è incentrato sull'indagine dei rapporti tra gerarchie estetiche, organizzazioni cibernetiche e i sistemi dell'arte e della cultura visiva contemporanee. Esplora come le forme di espressione intuitiva e i sistemi di informazione strutturati algoritmicamente possono operare ibridandosi. Realizza sculture, collage, animazioni video e progetti web. Ha esposto recentemente all'Abrons Art Center e al American Medium di New York. Ha partecipato alle collettive Private Settings, Museo d'Arte Moderna di Varsavia, In Its Image, American Medium a New York, Art Post Internet, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art aPechino, e al Moving Museum a Istanbul.

Harm van den Dorpel, born in Zaandam, The Netherlands, is a Berlin-based conceptual artist. With his work he investigates aesthetic hierarchies and cybernetic organisations of art and contemporary visual culture in general. He explores how intuitive associative expression, and algorithmically structured information systems can operate in hybrid. His practice includes sculpture, collage, animation and websites. He had a solo show at the Abrons Art Center in New York City, curated by Karen Archey, and American Medium, New York City. Recent group exhibitions include; Private Settings, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw; The Moving Museum, Istanbul; In Its Image, American Medium, New York City; Art Post Internet, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing.
