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Martin Kohout


Martin Kohout, artista ceco attivo tra Berlino e Praga. Ha studiato alla FAMU Accademia di Cinema di Praga, e arte visiva alla UdK a Berlino e alla Städelschule di Francoforte. Ha fondato e dirige la casa editrice TLTRPreß. Nel 2014 è stato nominato per il Jindrich Chalupecky Award per giovani artisti cechi. Il suo lavoro sui new media si declina tra installazione, performance e musica, e indaga in modo critico il sistema produttivo, quello dei consumi e il corporate branding. Tra i suoi progetti: Watching Martin Kohout composto da oltre 800 video pubblicati su YouTube. Espone in contesti molto diversi: in gallerie private, negli uffici dell’azienda di corporate cosnultimg McKinsey & Companu, alla Prague National Gallery e il Bundeskunsthalle di Bonn.

Martin Kohout, is a Czech artist living in Berlin and Prague. He has studied at the film academy FAMU in Prague and arts academies UdK in Berlin and Städelschule in Frankfurt am Main. He is the founder and director of TLTRPreß publishing house.  He was nominated for the Jindrich Chalupecky Award for young Czech artists in 2014. His works investigate absurd consumerism that seeks to make life under capitalism easier, and help you not only to survive but also to produce at a higher rate. Through factual installations, new media, objects, actions, video and sounds he develops ideas on hibernation, productivity and the absurdity of corporate branding. Among his projects: Watching Martin Kohout, a body of work of over 800 videos using YouTube as a platform. He has exhibited in solo in very diverse situations: from galeries such as Exile in Berlin to the Frankfurt offices of corporate consulting firm McKinsey & Company, invited to create a piece for their workplace, and in group exhibitions in museums such as Prague National Gallery or Bundeskunsthalle Bonn. 
