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Die Unbändigen


Die Unbändigen è il nome di un progetto performativo collaborativo di Jack Hauser, Satu Herrala, Sabina Holzer e Jeroen Peeters.

Jack Hauser, artista austriaco, si muove tra musica, performance, arti visive, cinema e design. Negli anni '80 studia musica elettro-acustica, Nel 1994 co-fonda il gruppo lux flux con cui gira in ambito internazionale sino al 2000. Dal 1999 progetta interventi performativi e visivi e opere sperimentali utilizzando diversi media sotto la sigla Wohnung Miryam van Doren. Ha lavorato a numerosi progetti coreografici collettivi con artisti come Philipp Gehmacher, Sabina Holzer, Anne Juren, Krõõt Juurak, Inge Kaindlstorfer, Barbara Kraus, Markus Schinwald, Oleg Soulimenko e altri. Dal 2005 Jack Hauser scrive per, magazine su danza e la coreografia.

Satu Herrala, performer, coreografa e curatrice finlandese. Ha lavorato con diversi coreografi in Austria, Germania, Svizzera e Finlandia con produzioni del Tanzquartier Wien, brut Wien e Zodiak Centre for New Dance a Helsinki. I suoi lavori più recenti sono Nature Dances con Eeva Muilu, Anna Mustonen e Masi Tiitta, e Just Queens, drag show al femminile in collaborazione con Maija Mustonen e Go-go Dance Group Kuumat putket (Hot Pipes). Il suo lavoro curatoriale comprende DO TANK al Spielart festival di Monaco, Make Arts Policy in collaborazione con Public Movement, e la serie Sauna Lectures. Attualmente è direttrice artistica del Baltic Circle, festival internazionale di performance e teatro contemporaneo di Helsinki.

Sabina Holzer, performer, coreografa e scrittrice, vive a Vienna. Fa parte di vari progetti dei coreografi Robert Steijn, Vera Mantero, Fabian Chyle, Bilderwerfer, Toxic Dreams, Philipp Gehmacher, lux flux, Machfeld e Milli Bitterli. Dal 2007 scrive di danza e performance sulla testata internet Insegna movimento di ricerca e composizione al SNDO di Amsterdam, al Tanzquartier-Wien, al Konservatorium di Vienna, SEAD-Salzburg, e al ImPulsTanz. Organizza incontri interdisciplinari sull'intersezione tra teoria e pratica con Silke Bake, Hooman Sharifi, Jeroen Peeters, Sandra Noeth. Dal 2011 fa parte di Im_flieger, Independent Artists’ Association. Nel 2005 inizia a collaborare con l'artista visivo Jack Hauser. Fra le collaborazioni più recenti vi è la serie di salons Das fantastische Dritte (Im_flieger, Vienna), Auf Umwegen nach sich selbst (Schauspielhaus, Vienna), la performance partecipativa Grundeinkommenstanz (Image Tanz, Impulstanz Wien), il quartetto Die Unbändigen, e i progetti in collaborazione con Jack Hauser Go Mata Go e Der Die Das.

Jeroen Peeters scrittore, drammaturgo, performer e musicista, vive a Bruxelles. Da oltre dieci anni Peeters scrive di danza contemporanea, performance, arte e filosofia su media specializzati. Ha fornito contributi per pubblicazioni dedicate all'estetica di Jean-François Lyotard, alla teoria queer, al mostruoso, e al collettivismo dei Superamas. La sua ricerca si focalizza sull'attenzione, la conoscenza incarnata, la drammaturgia e lo sviluppo sostenibile. Interessato alla documentazione dell'eterogeneità dei 'linguaggi del fare', Peeters ha impostato un dialogo critico-artistico con diversi artisti tra cui Meg Stuart, su cui ha scritto Are we here yet? (2010). Dal 2002 co-dirige Sarma, laboratory for discursive practices and expanded publication within the field of dance and beyond. Il suo libro più recente, Through the Back: Situating Vision between Moving Bodies (2014), è una riflessione sullo statuto dello spettatore e della danza contemporanea come forza critica nei regimi visivi. Nel 2012 Peeters ha ricevuto per il suo lavoro di critico il Premio Dutch literature award Pierre Bayle. Nel campo della danza ha collaborato come performer e dramaturg con Julien Bruneau, Deufert+Plischke, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Martin Nachbar, Meg Stuart e Jozef Wouters.

Die Unbändigen is a collaborative, transmedial performance project, guided by a collective. Jack Hauser, Satu Herrala, Sabina Holzer and Jeroen Peeters encounter one another with and through their diverse artistic, medial and discursive practices and backgrounds.

The journal of the creation process can be found at:  Die_Unbaendigen.html

Jack Hauser was born in 1958 in Horn, Austria. From 1983 to ‘86 he studied electro-acoustic music. In 1994 he was one of the founders of lux flux; numerous international guest appearances followed in the years 1994-2000. Designs performative pictorial interventions and experimental works with various media which since 1999 have been running and attended to as Wohnung Miryam van Doren. His many collective, cooperative choreographic projects have included work with Daniel Aschwanden, David Bergé, Milli Bitterli, David Ender, Karlheinz Essl, Philipp Gehmacher, Sabina Holzer, Anne Juren, Krõõt Juurak, Inge Kaindlstorfer, Barbara Kraus, Elke Krystufek, Machfeld, Markus Schinwald, Oleg Soulimenko, Myriam Van Imschoot and Simon Wachsmuth. Since 2005, Jack Hauser has been a member of the editorial staff of, an internet magazine for dance and choreography.

Satu Herrala is a finnish choreographer and curator. Her works have been presented at brut Wien, Tanzquartier Wien, Zodiak Center for New Dance in Helsinki, Spielart festival in Munich and ANTI festival in Kuopio, among others. Her recent works are Nature Dances together with Eeva Muilu, Anna Mustonen and Masi Tiitta, and Just Queens, a drag show with an all-female cast in collaboration with Maija Mustonen and Go-go Dance Group Kuumat putket (Hot Pipes). Since 2015 she is the artistic director of Baltic Circle, an international festival of contemporary theatre and performance in Helsinki. Her curatorial works include DO TANK programs, Make Arts Policy event in collaboration with Public Movement and a series of Sauna Lectures at various festivals.

Sabina Holzer is a performer, choreographer and writer based in Vienna. She has been working in projects of international choreographers such as Robert Steijn, Vera Mantero, Fabian Chyle, Bilderwerfer, Toxic Dreams, Philipp Gehmacher, lux flux, Machfeld and Milli Bitterli. Since 2007 she publishes texts in relation to dance and performance and is editorial member of the internet magazin She teaches movement research and composition in various institutions such as SNDO Amsterdam, Tanzquartier Wien, Konservatorium Wien, SEAD Salzburg, ImPulsTanz. She collaborates in and organizes interdisciplinary gatherings at the intersection of theory and practice, with a.o. Silke Bake, Hooman Sharifi, Jeroen Peeters, Sandra Noeth. Since 2011 she is member of Im_flieger, Independent Artists’ Association. In 2005 she started cooperating closely with the visual artist Jack Hauser. She prefers to work in trans-medial settings, where different personalities and methods come together, confront each other, think, move, are singular and plural, and engage in a process of becoming. Her recent collaborations were a series of salons Das fantastische Dritte (Im_flieger), Auf Umwegen nach sich selbst (Schauspielhaus Wien), Grundeinkommenstanz participative performance (ImageTanz, Impulstanz Wien), and the projects in collaboration with Jack Hauser Go Mata Go and Der Die Das.

Jeroen Peeters is a writer, dramaturge, performer and musician based in Brussels. Peeters has published widely on contemporary dance, performance, art theory and philosophy in various books and specialized media. He co-edited books on the aesthetics of Jean-François Lyotard, queer theory, monstrosity, and the performance collective Superamas. His research focuses on questions of composing attention, embodied knowledge, dramaturgy and sustainable development. Interested in documenting the heterogeneous ‘languages of making’, Peeters set up several dialogical projects with artists, which resulted for instance in a book in collaboration with Meg Stuart, Are we here yet? (2010). Since 2002, Peeters has been co-directing Sarma, a laboratory for discursive practices and expanded publication within the field of dance and beyond. His latest book reflects on spectatorship and contemporary dance as a critical force in visual regimes: Through the Back: Situating Vision between Moving Bodies (2014). In 2012 Peeters received the Dutch literature award Pierre Bayle for his body of work in dance criticism. Artistic collaborations in the field of dance with a.o. Julien Bruneau, Deufert+Plischke, Jack Hauser, Sabina Holzer, Martin Nachbar, Meg Stuart and Jozef Wouters.
