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Glen Caci


Glen Caci, performer, chitarrista e coreografo italo-albanese, traduttore/reporter di guerra nel '99. Dopo un'apparizione con un gruppo a cappella di R&B albanese e l'esperienza di chitarrista e cantante rock fra l'Albania e Napoli, inizia a dedicarsi al teatro e alla coreografia. Come performer lavora attualmente con Motus negli spettacoli Nella Tempesta e King Arthur. Come coreografo vince il Premio Equilibrio con Hospice, e ottiene una residenza nel 2014 alla Villette di Parigi

Glen Çaçi was born in 1979 in Tirana, Albania, where he lives until 2000 mainly working with music. He lives in Italy since 2001, where he began his artistic career first as a circus performer, then as an actor, then as a dancer / performer. He studied with Yves Lebreton, Tony Clifton Circus, Maurizio Lupinelli, Silvia Rampelli, Masaki Iwana, Gustavo Frigerio, Chiara Frigo, Geraldine Pilgrim, Raffaella Giordano. He has worked with Tony Clifton Circus, Andrea De Rosa, Company Babbaluck, Taverna East, Andrea Saggiomo, Chiara Frigo. He received a special mention at the prize Scenario 2005 with Taverna East, won the prize Nuove Sensibilità in 2007 with the company Andrea Saggiomo and Fabbrica Europa’s Cantieri Navali in 2009. In 2011 he debuted in Inteatro Polverigi Festival with his first work entitledCascare dal sonno, then invited to represent the brands in the review Vetrina XL. He participated in several festivals, such as the Teatro Santarcangelo, Drodesera, Volterra, Fabbrica Europa, International Festival of Theatre in Lugano, Biennale of art in Naples, Teatro Studio Scandicci.
