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Dora Garcia


Dora Garcia, artista spagnola vive e lavora a Barcellona. Ha studiato Arti Visive all'università di Salamanca e alla Rijksakademie di Amsterdam. Utilizzando diverse forme espressive - performance, video, web, scrittura, e installazioni - Dora Garcia indaga le condizioni che determinano la ricezione all'interno di un determinato contesto, focalizzandosi sulle nozioni di durata, accesso e leggibilità. Le sue performance creano un'ambivalenza tra finzione e accadimento spontaneo. Nel contesto delle arti visive, usa gli spazi espositivi come piattaforma per indagare la relazione tra il visitatore, l'opera d'arte e il luogo, lasciando che i visitatori diventino spesso protagonisti del lavoro, in alcuni casi coscientemente, in altri no. Garcia esplora anche il potenziale politico delle figure marginali: l'outsider, il fuorilegge, l'espulso, altrettanti omaggi a figure eccentriche e ad anti-eroi. Ha rappresentato la Spagna alla 54a Biennale di Venezia nel 2011, e in occasione della 55a edizione ha presentato il suo video The Joycean Society. E' stata presente a (d)OCUMENTA 13, Kassel (2012), Gwangju Biennial, South Korea (2010), Lyon Biennial, Lyon (2009), TATE Modern, London (2008), Centre Pompidou, Paris (2008), SMAK, Gent (2006), MUSAC, Leon, Spagna (2004), MACBA, Barcellona (2002). Attualmente co-dirige LES LABORATOIRES D’AUBERVILLIERS a Parigi.

Dora Garcia, spanish artist, lives and works in Barcelona. She studied Fine Arts at the University of Salamanca and at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. Dora Garcia uses a range of media including performance, video, web, text and installation. Her practice investigates the conditions that shape the reception of the artwork and its context. Her work focuses more particularly on the notions of duration, access and readability. Her pieces often involve staging unscripted scenarios that elicit doubt as to the fictional or spontaneous nature of a given situation. In visual art contexts, she uses the exhibition space as platform to investigate the relationship between the visitor, the artwork, and place. The artist engages herself with the question of what is real and what is fiction, and visitors often turn into protagonists in her work: sometimes knowingly, sometimes not. Garcia’s work also explores the political potential rooted in marginal positions: namely the figures of the outsider, the outcast and the outlaw, paying homage through several works to eccentric and often anti-heroic personas. She represented Spain at the 54th Venice Biennale in 2011. Her selected exhibitions include (d)OCUMENTA 13, Kassel (2012), Gwangju Biennial, South Korea (2010), Lyon Biennial, Lyon (2009), TATE Modern, London (2008), Centre Pompidou, Paris (2008), SMAK, Gent (2006), MUSAC, Leon, Spain (2004), MACBA, Barcelona (2002). She is currently co-director of LES LABORATOIRES D’AUBERVILLIERS in Paris.