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Maria Hassabi


Maria Hassabi, artista e coreografa di origine cipriota, vive e lavora a New York. Negli anni ha sviluppato una pratica coreografica distintiva, costituita sulla relazione fra corpo e immagine, contraddistinta da fisicità scultorea e dilatazione temporale. I suoi lavori attingono forza dalla tensione fra soggetto umano e oggetto artistico, dove il danzatore è performer ma anche entità fisica. I suoi lavori sono stati presentati in teatri, musei, gallerie e spazi pubblici di tutto il mondo: MoMA New York, Walker Art Centre Minneapolis, The Kitchen New York, kunstenfestivaldesarts Bruxelles, Impulstanz Vienna, FIAC Parigi, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Playground festival Bruxelles, Documenta Kassel. Nel 2013 ha rappresentato la Repubblica di Cipro al Padiglione Cipro/Lituania della 55a Biennale di Venezia.Tra i suoi lavori ricordiamo STAGING (2017), STAGED? (2016), PREMIERE (2013), INTERMISSION (2013), Counter-Relief (Kaai 2013), SHOW (2011), Robert and Maria (2010), SoloShow (2009), Solo (2009),GLORIA (2007), Still Smoking (2006), Dead is Dead (2004) e LIGHTS (2001). Ha inoltre creato brevi interventi e installazioni tra cui CHANDELIERS (2012) e il cortometraggio The Ladies (2012).

Maria Hassabi is a New York-based artist and choreographer. Over the years she has developed a distinct choreographic practice involved with the relation of the body to the image, defined by sculptural physicality and extended duration. Her works draw their strength from the tension between the human subject and the artistic object, the dancer as a performer and as a physical entity. Her works are presented in theaters, museums, galleries and public-spaces worldwide, and recently at MoMA NY, Walker Art Centre Minneapolis, The Kitchen NY, Kunstenfestivaldesarts Bruxelles, Impulstanz Wien, FIAC Paris, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Playground festival Bruxelles, Documenta Kassel. In 2013 she represented Republic of Cyprus as part of the Cypriot and Lithuanian Pavilion at the 55th Venice Art Biennale. Her works include STAGING (2017), STAGED? (2016),  PLASTIC (2015), PREMIERE (2013), INTERMISSION (2013), Counter-Relief (2013), SHOW (2011), Robert and Maria (2010), SoloShow (2009), Solo (2009), GLORIA (2007), Still Smoking (2006), Dead is Dead (2004) and LIGHTS (2001). She has also created several short-form pieces, art installations including CHANDELLIERS (2012), and a short film, The Ladies (2012).
