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Dmitry Paranyushkin


Dmitry Paranyushkin, perfomer, artista visivo, video-maker e progettista di sistemi web, è nato a Mosca e vive a Berlino. Ha studiato economia e matematica, ma ama stare in giro. Pensa che un sacco di cose hanno un significato ma non hanno senso. Si interessa di interfacce disfunzionali, networks, reazioni Belousov-Zhabotinsky, persone, e pensa sia molto importante avere più di due opzioni ma meno di quattro. Si autodefinisce un imprenditore di venture fiction nel campo della polisingolarità. Ogni avventura è una connettività dinamica e autonoma, la cui essenza si definisce in soluzioni stabili fatti di disequilibri multipli. Dopo studi a Mosca, Gran Bretagna e Olanda, a partire dal 2000 ha dato vita al gruppo The Solvents, e al progetto web Way To Russia: national habitat resuscitation project, in collaborazione con Dan Perushev. E' curatore della piattaforma di musica ed arti PLAYBerlin e di THIS IS LIKE: online system for associative thinking and cross-disciplinary network research. Nel 2011 ha realizzato la serie video Life Skills, e dal 2012 la serie di azioni live e video-installazioni The Humping Pact, in collaborazione con Diego Agullo.

Dmitry Paranyushkin, perfomer, visual artist, video-maker and web entrepreneur, was born in Moscow, and lives in Berlin at the moment. He studied economics and maths, but also likes to move. He thinks that a lot of things have a meaning, but don’t make sense. He is interested in dysfunctional interfaces, networks, Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, people, and having more than two choices, but less than four. He defines himself as a venture fiction entrepreneur in the field of polysingularity. Each venture is an autonomous dynamic networked connectivity, which has multiple non-equilibrium stable solutions defining its essence. Starting in the year 2000, and following his studies in Moscow, Great Britain and the Netherlands, he founded The Solvents Collective, as well as the web project Way To Russia: national habitat resuscitation project, in collaboration with Dan Perushev. He is curator of the PLAYBerlin music and arts platform and of THIS IS LIKE, an online system for associative thinking and cross-disciplinary network research. In 2011 he produced the video series Life Skills and, since 2012, the series of live performances and video installations entitled The Humping Pact, in collaboration with Diego Agullo.
