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Robert Steijn


Robert Steijn, basato tra Amsterdam e Vienna, è attivo in ambito teatrale come performer, scrittore, coreografo e guaritore. Il suo aiutante è un cervo immaginario, e nella sua fantasia danza con i morti. Indaga la realtà artificiale delle performing arts vista dal regno dello sciamanesimo. Con Frans Poelstra ha fondato la compagnia united sorry a Vienna. Nel 2012 organizzano una serie di eventi sul pensiero ecologico nel paesaggio urbano, sotto la sigla Green conversations. Steijn ha collaborato con coreografi come Anne Teresa de Keersemaeker, Latifa Laabissi e Maria Hassabi. Insegna alla School for New Dance Development ad Amsterdam e a P.A.R.T.S. a Bruxelles. Le sue ultime creazioni sono Robert and Maria e Deer Dance. Steijn è fortemente influenzato dall'artista performer Jack Smith, dai poeti Walt Whitman e Alan Ginsberg, dagli artisti concettuali Dan Graham e Matt Mullican, dallo sciamano/performer coreano Hi-Ah Park, dai rituali Ayahuasca, da lunghe passeggiate e da sogni molto significativi su come andare avanti nella vita.

Robert Steijn, based between Amsterdam and Vienna, is active in the theatre as a performer, author, choreographer and healer. His assistant is an imaginary deer and, in his imagination, he dances with the dead. He investigates the artificial reality of the performing arts seen from the realm of Shamanism. With Frans Poelstra he founded the united sorry company in Vienna. In 2012 they organized a series of events on ecological thinking in the urban landscape, in the context of Green Conversations. Steijn has collaborated with choreographers such as Anne Teresa de Keersemaeker, Latifa Laabissi and Maria Hassabi. He teaches at the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam and at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels. His latest creations are Robert and Maria and Deer Dance. Steijn is strongly influenced by the artist-performer Jack Smith, by the poets Walt Whitman and Alan Ginsberg, by the conceptual artists Dan Graham and Matt Mullican, by the Korean shaman/performer Hi-Ah Park, by Ayahuasca rituals, by long walks and by very significant dreams on how to get ahead in life.
