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Anne Juren


Anne Juren, coreografa, danzatrice e performer francese basata a Vienna. Ha collaborato con Krõõt Juurak, Marianne Baillot, Agata Maszkiewicz, Alix Eynaudi, DD Dorvillier, Annie Dorsen, Elizabeth Ward, e l'ensemble di musica contemporanea Phace. E' stata artist-in-residence al Tanzquartier Wien e ha ricevuto il sostegno dalle piattaforme IDEE e APAP. Nel 2003 ha fondato con l'artista visivo Roland Rauschmeier l'organizzazione no-profit Wiener Tanz- und Kunstbewegung.

Anne Juren, french choreographer, dancer and performer based in Vienna. She collaborated with Krõõt Juurak, Marianne Baillot, Agata Maszkiewicz, Alix Eynaudi, DD Dorvillier, Annie Dorsen, Elzabeth Ward, and the Vienna Ensemble for Contemporary music Phace. She was artist in residence at Tanzquartier Wien and took part in the two European artistic programs IDEE and APAP. In 2003, she co-founded together with the visual
 artist Roland Rauschmeier the non profit organization Wiener Tanz- und Kunstbewegung in Vienna. Her choreographic works and artistic researches have been extensively presented in international theatres, festivals, and different art spaces and venues. In her work, Juren tries to expand the term choreography in engaging the body in different states of physical, sensorial, kinaesthetic and mental experiences, questioning the boundaries between private and public spheres. 
