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Luís Miguel Félix


Luís Miguel Félix, performer portoghese e danzatore, ha collaborato con coreografi come Sidney Leoni, Juan Dominguez e Jan Ritsema, e di recente ha iniziato a sviluppare una propria ricerca progettuale. Nel 2008 ha frequentato il programma educativo ex.e.r.ce al Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier, dove ha dato l'avvio al progetto online Wedance.

Luís Miguel Félix, portuguese performer and dancer, has worked mainly for choreographers as Sidney Leoni, Juan Dominguez and Jan Ritsema, and recently he started to develop his own research projects. In 2008 he attended the educational program ex.e.r.ce at the Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier, where he initiated the online project Wedance.
