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Orphan Fairytale


Orphan Fairytale, definita nella scena musicale di Anversa ‘the Belgium's mistress of the Casio’, ha portato il suo melanchotronic folk anche nella band al femminile Makesmachine. Ha pubblicato su Imvated, Puik, Beniffer, Blackest Rainbow, Ultra Eczema, etc ed ha collaborato per Dreamtime Taped Sounds, oltre a lavorare attualmente a produzioni per le labels Notnotfun, Ecstatic Peace e Nofun.

Orphan Fairytale, defined on the Antwerp music scene as 'Belgium's mistress of the Casio', has also brought her melanchotronic folk to the female band Makesmachine. She has published in Imvated, Puik, Beniffer, Blackest Rainbow, Ultra Eczema, etc and has worked for Dreamtime Taped Sounds, as well as currently working on productions for labels such as Notnotfun, Ecstatic Peace and Nofun.
