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Hieroglyphic Being


Hieroglyphic Being aka Jamal R. Moss, sound-artist e compositore sperimentale, grande conoscitore di apparecchiature analogiche, ha avuto a che fare dalla fine degli anni ’80 con Ron Hardy (Music Box), Power Plant di Chicago, Steve Poindexter, una leggenda della house come Adonis ed etichette come 6277, Spectral Sound, Creme Organization e Klang Elektronik. Nel 1996 ha fondato la  Mathematic Recordings, etichetta ora di culto, partita da suggestioni letterarie esoteriche e science fiction. Le sue produzioni, quasi inclassificabili, coltissime, devianti ed avanguardistiche, sono la filiazione di influenze da Sun Ra, John Cage, il free jazz e gli sperimentalismi noise più visionari del passato.

Hieroglyphic Being, aka Jamal R. Moss, sound-artist and experimental composer, a great connoisseur of analog equipment, has been involved since the late 1980's with Ron Hardy (Music Box), Power Plant in Chicago, Steve Poindexter, a legend of house music like Adonis and labels like 6277, Spectral Sound, Creme Organization and Klang Elektronik. In 1996 he founded Mathematic Recordings, now a cult label, that began under esoteric literary evocations and science fiction influences. His work, almost unclassifiable, highly cultured, deviant and avant-garde, is the result of influences like Sun Ra, John Cage, free jazz and the most visionary noise experimentation of the past.
