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Dean Roberts


Dean Roberts, chitarrista e avanguardista sonico neozelandese, dopo la fortunatissima esperienza in patria col gruppo culto Thela, si sposta nei primi anni novanta alla volta di New York dove intesse relazioni e collabora attivamente con musicisti e compositori del calibro di Phill Niblock, Alan Licht, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Jim o'Rourke, Sonic Youth, Toxer Recordings…I suoi primi album solisti sull'etichetta di Francoforte MillePlateaux, in cui Roberts miscela sampientemente ed in una formula assolutamente inedita gli stilemi del rock (Roxy Music, Velvet Underground, gli stessi SonicYouth), del folk, dell'ambient music con il neo-minimalismo, la ricerca elettronica digitale e una freschissima attitudine concettuale nei confronti delle possibilita' offerte dallo "strumento" che e' lo studio di registrazione, furono salutati alla loro pubblicazione con entusiastiche recensioni in tutto il mondo.
Dean Roberts is a musician from New Zealand. During the mid 1990s he was a member of the trio Thela with Rosy Parlane and Dion Workman. After Thela disbanded, Roberts recorded 3 solo albums under the name White Winged Moth, followed by a series of releases under his own name. Slow, often wrenching songs where the brush of a cymbal, a voice or a plucked string can have great impact. Through arrangement, processing and editing Dean Roberts has crafted out rock that presents listeners with familiar forms as it challenges them with oblique gestures. Improvisational and electronic strategies are ably utilized to push the dimensions of rock songs played by a group of people together in one room. Roberts has played a variety of solo gigs and played with some of the heavyweights of electrical/acoustic improvisation. 
