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Nel 2004 Jérome Deuson fonda Arden, collettivo mutante di sperimentazione elettroacustica (con Mitchell Akiyama, Sogar, Stephen Fedele, Sebastien Roux...) che ha appena pubblicato il primo disco sull'etichetta Still.

Arden  is a big band  born from the mind of Jérôme  Deuson (aka  aMute ), Jeuc Dietrich and  Christophe  Bailleau,, willing to deform, improvise and fight music in every circumstances. The line up itself is totally free and changes from time to time. Their performances are rare and then always sophisticated with a dozen of instruments (bass, drums, guitars, 4 laptops,  Korg  synthetizers) and could be compared to a deep dive into a mechanical improvised oblivion assisted by memories on tape (Bailleauand  Deuson leads the visual part of the set).