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Nadaproductions, Amanda Piña (Cile) & Daniel Zimmermann (Svizzera) collaborano dal 2005. La loro ricerca si concentra su diversi aspetti della ricezione e della percezione, attraverso nuove forme di coinvolgimento del pubblico nelle loro performance.

Nadaproductions stands for Chilean/ Mexican choreographer Amanda Piña and Swiss visual artist and film director Daniel Zimmermann working together since 2005. Their work focuses on aspects of reception and perception creating new concepts of performance that involve the audience in different ways. Nadaproductions is based at the cultural space nadaLokal. at and creates in co-production with both brut Wien and Tanzquartier Wien. Nadaproductions has presented their work throughout Europe and South America at festivals and venues such as Danza al Borde Valpara'so in Chile, Europäische Tanzplattform Mousonturm Frankfurt, Szene Salzburg, Choreographic Platform Austria, Imagetanz at brut Vienna, Tanzquartier Vienna, ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival, Sophiensaele Berlin, Kampnagel Hamburg, Gessnerallee Zurich, FTT Forum Freies Theater Düsseldorf, STUK Leuven, Beursschouwburg Brussels, Theater Frascati Amsterdam, Royal Festival Hall London, Drodesera Italy.
