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Sara Kolster


Sara Kolster, artista olandese con una formazione nella progettazione web e nel design, sposta i propri interessi successivamente sull'immagine-movimento. A partire dall'attenzione per dettagli dello scenario urbano, usa differenti strategie narrative e metodi di ricerca appartenenti a diverse discipline di indagine - giornalismo, documentarismo, archeologia, a cui ha integrato recentemente diverse tecniche di manipolazione sonora.

Sara Kolster [NL] is a video and media artist with a background in web / graphical design and web-based projects. The focus of her work shifted more towards video and film; capturing details from urban locations, visualizing fragments of stories of these environments. She uses different strategies, from time-based media (video, film) to appropriated research methods belonging to different observational disciplines (journalism, documentary & archeology). Recently, her work concentrates on the integration of sound and image, using different techniques - from medium format slides, 16 & 35 millimeter film and video to database-systems, live processing programs such as Pure-Data and web-interfaces.
