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Liz Harris


Liz Harris, artista e musicista, è cresciuta nel nord della California e vive attualmente a Portland. Suona e incide con il nome Grouper ed ha all’attivo una serie di album, oltre che di collaborazioni con band come Inca Ore, Jorge Boehringer e Xiu Xiu. Lavora usualmente con field recording, piano processato e armonie vocali. Per Netmage 09 userà voce, tapes e immagini, presentando in video estratti della sua recente serie Mirror Hall. Si tratta di disegni a collage, opere in bianco e nero e frammenti video in generale, variamente riassemblati al fine di funzionare come una porta verso un mondo altro contemporaneamente alieno/estraneo e interno/familiare. Le opposizioni sono state appositamente costruite in modo da rifrangersi una nell’altra al fine di provare ad offrire la possibilità di spingersi in profondità oltre alla porta spalancata da quegli stessi pattern, frammenti, segni e disegni.

Liz Harris, artist and musician, grew up in Northern California and now lives in Portland. She performs and records under the name Grouper. She has released several full length albums to date, as well as a few collaborative projects with such bands as Inca Ore, Jorge Boehringer, and Xiu Xiu. Taped field recordings, processed piano, and murky vocal harmonies all feature largely in her work thus far. Her collaborative performance for this festival will consist mainly of prepared tape collage, and live vocals. Pieces from her recent series Mirror Hall will be shown during the performance. Consisting of collaged drawings, naturally elusive footage, and black and white line work seen through the lense of multiple overlaps and other fragmented visual devices, her video work, like her musical recordings, desires to act as a gateway into a different world that is both internal/familiar and alien/unfamiliar, a pair of opposites reflecting off of each other a thousand times over, as in a mirror, and to present a potential to descend into the doorway created by those patterns.
