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Pete Swanson


Pete Swanson è conosciuto come fondatore di Yellow Swans, forse la più splendente, gioiosamente tormentata e in fondo seminale band di noise del nuovo secolo, ora sciolta. Yellow Swans ha portato in Europa e Stati Uniti live di improvvisazioni noise psichedeliche, digital hardcore e molto altro ancora, composti con sapienza radicale, che ha trovato una sofisticata traccia in a una serie di CD, LP, cassette e CDR per etichette come Not Not Fun, Load o la propria JRYK Collective. Dallo split della band nel giugno scorso, Swanson ha sviluppato il proprio lavoro come musicista suonando in solo e, occasionalmente, in ensemble di free impro. Recentemente ha avviato una nuova etichetta, la Freedom To Spend, e pubblicherà nel 2009 album solisti per Root Strata, Foxy Digitalis e Students of Decay.

Pete Swanson is best known for his band Yellow Swans which toured the US and Europe repeatedly. Perhaps the most resplendent, exquisitely tormented and finally seminal noise band of this century, now broken up. Yellow Swans has toured Europe and the USA, establishing much of their notoriety on psychedelic noise improvisation, digital hardcore and much more, composed with a radical awareness that somehow found a sophisticated trajectory in a copious series of CDs, LPs, tapes and CDRs on labels like Not Not Fun, Load and their own JRYK Collective. Since the demise of Yellow Swans, Swanson has been developing his work as a solo artist, occasionally playing in free improv ensembles. He has recently started a new label, Freedom To Spend, and plans on releasing solo material in 2009 on Root Strata, Foxy Digitalis and Students of Decay.

