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The Claw live @ Live Arts Week

 The Claw


Come definire le sonorità di The Claw: è post-global beat, fra cumbia, dirty south hip hop e tipico LA sound dal sapore cyborg e al contempo sensuale. La descrizione più efficace viene da Fade To Mind: un’etichetta che è anche un movimento, capace di dare vita a nightclub temporanei e progetti collaborativi composti da musica, arte, video e stile, agitando derive nascoste fra Los Angeles e Londra, città dove opera la consorella Night Slugs collettive.

How to define the sound of The Claw: it is a post-global beat, somewhere between cumbia, dirty south, hip hop and the typical LA sound, cyborg, yet sensual. The most effective description comes from Fade To Mind: a label that is also a movement, capable of giving rise to temporary nightclubs and collaborative projects consisting of music, art, video and style, creating hidden waves between Los Angeles and London, the city where its sister group, Night Slugs, works.
