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In the beginning there was nothing, but it was kind of fun watching nothing grow

 Andrea Magnani


In the beginning there was nothing, but it was kind of fun watching nothing grow. L’intervento site specific per gli spazi del lungofiume agisce come deviazione olfattiva e spaziale di alcuni elementi già presenti in loco. Attraverso brevi integrazioni inconcludenti al sistema di sentieri presente nel parco, il percorso spontaneo del passante viene dirottato verso un punto di vista specifico in cui vivere una presenza olfattiva alterata. Spostando le condizioni che ci consentono di identificare certe tracce come veri e propri interventi artistici, la nostra attenzione attraversa il lavoro senza soffermarsi fin da subito su di esso, lasciando che si manifesti solo dopo - o forse mai - come dubbio.

In the beginning there was nothing, but it was kind of fun watching nothing grow

concept Andrea Magnani
collaborazione Atelier Fragranze Milano
produzione Xing/Live Arts Week


In the beginning there was nothing, but it was kind of fun watching nothing grow. The site specific intervention for the riverside spaces acts as an odorous and spatial deviation of some elements already present on site. Through brief inconclusive additions to the system of the trails of the park, the spontaneous path of the passer-by is diverted towards a specific point of view in which to experience an altered olfactory presence. By shifting the conditions that allow us to identify certain traces as real artistic interventions, our attention overshadows the work without reflecting on it immediately, but by letting it manifest itself only later - or perhaps never - as a doubt.

In the beginning there was nothing, but it was kind of fun watching nothing grow

concept Andrea Magnani
collaboration Atelier Fragranze Milano
production Xing/Live Arts Week