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Lezioni, Just 1 Poem

 Eleonora Luccarini


Lezioni è una performance articolata su cinque giorni pensata appositamente per il contesto in cui avviene. L’intervento consiste in una serie di lezioni di yoga guidate da Carolina Fanti che ogni giorno si ricostituiscono in forme nuove e in aree diverse. La lezione di yoga è la struttura basilare che viene scomposta e ricomposta grazie all’intrusione del testo poetico performato ad alta voce dall’artista, al quale si aggiunge, infine, un ulteriore dirottamento con Allison Grimaldi Donahue, Elena Radice e Costanza Candeloro.


progetto e parole Eleonora Luccarini
con Carolina Fanti
special guests Allison Grimaldi Donahue, Elena Radice, Costanza Candeloro
produzione Xing/Live Arts Week


Just 1 poem, l’installazione video che si sposterà di giorno in giorno tra le nature del Lungo Reno, fa parte di un progetto interdisciplinare di Eleonora Luccarini legato alla scrittura come pratica performativa costruito interamente sull’identità di Léonard Santé, poeta e alter ego dell’artista. Il filo conduttore dell’opera è la poesia Melancholia by Lars Von Trier, cantata dalla figura in CGI di Léonard Santé (inclusa nella raccolta Léonard Santé, 13 poems). Just 1 poem è l’anteprima di 4 hooves don’t leave footprints, opera video in CGI dedicata alle ultime poesie di Santé.

In 2020 the Earth is still here my boney figure gets thinner
muscles too
 digitally absorbed by
 wet procrastination


Lezioni is a five-day performance specifically conceived for the context in which it takes place. The intervention consists of a series of yoga classes led by Carolina Fanti and open to the public that reconstitute themselves each day in new forms and in different areas. The yoga class is the basic structure that is dismantled and recomposed through the intrusion of the poetic text performed aloud by the artist, to which is added, finally, an informal discussion with Allison Grimaldi Donahue, Elena Radice and Costanza Candeloro.


concept and words Eleonora Luccarini
with Carolina Fanti
special guests Allison Grimaldi Donahue, Elena Radice, Costanza Candeloro
production Xing/Live Arts Week


Just 1 poem, a video installation that will move day by day among the natures of the Reno bank, is part of an interdisciplinary project by Eleonora Luccarini related to writing as a performative practice, entirely structured on Léonard Santé's identity, poet and the alter ego of the artist. Melancholia by Lars Von Trier is the heart of this work, performed by Léonard Santé’s CGI character. The poem is included in the collection Léonard Santé, 13 poems and it was presented for the first time through a reading-performance. Just 1 poem is the preview of 4 hooves don't leave footprints, a CGI video work about Santé's latest poems.

In 2020 the Earth is still here my boney figure gets thinner
muscles too
 digitally absorbed by
 wet procrastination
